July 24, 2017
A nut ball found out that I write at our sea and they wanted me to go join their writer’s group. Scary would probably be the right term to use for it. Hopefully none read this as they may suffocate me in my sleep. Sadly the cat is scared of his own shadow so he…
July 17, 2017
As I listen to the same stories, sadly, over and over again it can be rather amusing to hear how they change. And it isn’t like that whisper to this person or that person thing they do in elementary school. Nope, they come from the same person. One moment they paid $200 for something and…
July 10, 2017
Luck would have it there is a post today. It has nothing to do with the fact that I stuck my fingers against the keyboard and hit the keys. It has nothing to do with me logging in and going to the correct spot to type this post. Nope. None of those things count. It…
July 3, 2017
Value does seem to be another word that gets chucked around a lot, even though one can’t really throw around a word unless they write it down, but we’ll ignore that. Everything from a very low bank account to a broken down tractor has one. Some may even have a negative value. Geez, sure went…
One world that gets thrown around a lot by “fans” concerning anything that is written, movies, books, tv, games, etc., is realistic. I’ve seen so many whine about that so many times that I think my eyes roll automatically now. Firstly, anything that is written that isn’t based on a true story, and even then…
June 19, 2017
Hank snatched a medallion as the lights flicked on and a shotgun barrel was pressed against his head. He eyed the rich coot through his ski mask, the man’s gruff exterior letting him know that he meant business. “Another thief. If I had a nickel.” He yanked the medallion from Hank’s hand and held it…
June 12, 2017
Recently, like last weekend, I played chauffeur while my mother and grandmother went to yard sales. That’s what I get for having a car, easy to maneuver around the nuts. And come to find out, wasn’t even worth the gas money to go. It was like people thought they were at Wal-Mart. Or maybe Amazon,…
June 5, 2017
Should I quit while I’m ahead? I guess not as this post is being put to bed. It is in bed without ever going in bed. That has to cause brain pain to those not in the know. Maybe I really should have quit while I’m ahead. Bah, on with the answering of the IWSG…
May 29, 2017
So decided to play with a Dog owner’s bay again this year. The cat didn’t get too mad last year, but we figured we’d keep it over here. Wouldn’t want the fur to fly after all. Now away we go with an answering, sorta, flow. What did you want to be when you were a…
Nope, my OCD still keeps me on Mondays here, even with the oopsy posting early that other time. Must be some pre-programmed thing in my head. Yeah, we’ll go with that. But that isn’t the schedule I mean. Do you have a book schedule? Meaning like one that you want to write before you do…