May 2, 2016
It seems Michael thinks I’ve run out of things to say. Pffft yeah, as if. But I’ll still play before I go back to writing the a to z for 2017.
“If a friend came to you looking for advice on starting a blog, what three pieces of advice would you give them?”
You are only limiting me to 3 and you want me to be inventive? Now you are just pushing your luck. But I’ll try.
#1 Unless you like to do work for free, most times, then run far far away and never start a blog. What? Blogs are work? No! You just have to stick up a cat picture and that is that, right?
Hmmm you have to make the blog. You have to have content for the blog. You have to have continual content for the blog. You have to keep it entertaining. You have to be part of the community to get seen. You have to have a topic that won’t leave you feeling bored. That won’t leave readers feeling bored. And….that’s all I’m saying about that. It’s just too much work. Wow, I proved my point. Yippee for me. Inventive, right?
#2 Have lots to say but say less with lots. Did I just make your mind see pokadots?
Yippee for you. You can rant on and on and be entertaining. At least for a bit. Then people will have enough of your umm wit. You can be the best writer in the world but no one is going to want to read a 50 paragraph post every time you post. Once in a blue moon is fine in many cases, but you won’t win any fans doing it all the time. Just split those 50 paragraphs up into 50 or 25 posts. Viola! Posts for you and easy on the brain for others. Oh and NEVER EVER use super tiny font.
#3 Don’t do the don’ts or you’ll get many won’ts. Blame the cat for that one.
You aren’t going to make fans by reposting the same thing every other week. You aren’t going to make fans by posting that you have nothing to say. You aren’t going to make fans by whining and going all poor pitiful me. You aren’t going to make fans by have fancy this or that. Like making it hard to find where to follow. Hard to find where your darn blog link is in that dumb Google + thing. Hard to comment with stupid Disquis or some other crap. Having stupid word verification on. And so on and so forth. Don’t make extra hoops to jump through.
And there you are. Have you ever tried to help one create a blog at your sand bar? Did it go well? Did they even last? Many sure do not. I’ve seen a ton come and go and come back and go. Blogging isn’t as easy as many think when they start. I’ve even seen celebrity blogs that have a whole 2 comments because they think people will just magically come. Pffft no work, no comments.
Enjoy life, forget the strife.
2016-05-02 12:17:16
#3 is particularly good. I also hate Disquis. It’s confusing. Also, some people have their comment spot hidden. It takes a minute to figure out where it is!
Are you really writing your 2017 A to Z posts already?
Mary at Play off the Page
2016-05-02 20:03:32
Yep, annoying as can be. haha a to z is 10 posts in now for 2017
2016-05-02 13:47:35
Whoa, I’m feeling a deja vu thing here with your intro. Are we related? Anyway, good advice. I hate Disquis! Hate it. And what’s with hiding the comment button? Are there really blogs that only have “like me” and no comments? Maybe so. And by the by, my A to Z post leading with a cat picture was tops for comments and traffic. Cats rule.
2016-05-02 20:04:50
Yeah, just having like is dumb as can be. But to each their own. Cats do the trick
2016-05-02 14:15:08
That actually seemed like 9 or more pieces of advice with like 3 pieces in each “piece”. But it was all point on advice so it didn’t matter. Great job and I hope people heed this.
So true that good blogging requires work. A blog post with little work or thought involved is often not very fun for the reader. And I don’t want to work my ass off reading somebody’s long winded blog post.
50 posts from a 50 paragraph blog post is outstanding advice that I have suggested to some bloggers though maybe not in that exact way. I recall when one blogger said they couldn’t come up with content to participate in A to Z and my reply was in a similar vein in that I told him to just divide up one of his super long posts into twenty-six parts and theme each part with an applicable letter. But I understand how sometimes we get involved in our words. Look at my comment for example. I could keep rambling, but I’ll stop now.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
2016-05-02 20:06:56
A wise ramble it was. And yeah, sometimes I wasn’t as abrupt, but I’ve told a few they should split them up. Think they’d listen? Nope. Had to shove more than 3 in there too haha
2016-05-02 15:50:09
Your #2 tip is interesting, but I don’t think that would work with my tips. Most people want all the tips at once. Like my post today…a bunch of posts on designing business cards would’ve been a bit much. But some posts could certainly make a fun series.
2016-05-02 20:07:40
True, you have to use it if it works. Knowing the difference is wise too.
2016-05-02 17:11:38
I’m sure you do have a lot more advice. I can’t imagine how you keep up with your blogging and writing. It is work and though I usually enjoy it, I consider it part of my job as a writer. I wouldn’t do it otherwise.
2016-05-02 20:08:24
I started blogging first. So I’d probably stick with it. Go ocd keeping me in line lol
2016-05-02 17:28:35
I agree with number two. There’s so much stuff out on the internet, that it takes a certain level of fame to be able to put out long pieces and get read. I know I skip a lot of long posts because I only have so much time to waste.
2016-05-02 20:09:24
Yeah, long posts and small font I don’t even bother.
2016-05-02 23:13:06
Hahahahaha I should have known you can just talk forever. I too get peeved at people who write about how they’ve got nothing to write about. Patt done well.
2016-05-03 11:22:58
Onward I can go at my show. Yep, those are annoying as can be.
2016-05-02 23:56:46
Excellent advice, but #3 definitely is the best. I’ve helped two people start blogs; one gave up and then tried again a while later and is still going, and the other has been going on a very infrequent schedule for about five years now and thoroughly enjoying it.
I had to give up caring about how many comments I get when my internet access became limited. Comments now are rare, and my inability to reciprocate on a regular basis magnifies that tenfold. As long as people are still reading once in a while, that’s good enough for me. For many, however, that’s not good enough, and they do indeed walk away instead of building something they can really be proud of.
2016-05-03 11:24:01
Bad internet can screw you indeed. But still, as long as you are proud of it, go to it. Plus you get hits up the yin yang too
2016-05-08 18:05:14
Yes, blogs are work. You hit the nail on the head.
And why do some bloggers make it so hard to find anything on their blogs?
2016-05-08 19:45:20
Yep, it is super hard to find things on some. Those I just ignore.
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