This one is pretty easy this week. Or was it two weeks ago now? Bah. I admit I never even really gave it much thought before. It just was and I went with it, moving on to the next one. What is the IWSG question you ask? Easy peasy:
When do you know your story is ready?
Since I don’t think about it much, I would have to say when I have nothing else to write. Then I know the story is done. Now I always have sequel ideas, meaning there is always something to write. So maybe I know the story is ready when I hit the ending that I had from the beginning.
Then of course you have to go through editing and such. Always something to fix and maybe a plot hole or two to work out. So the story itself is ready when I hit my mark, the book itself isn’t ready until everything has been edited away.
Perfection will never come due. That I’ve realized easily. And who wants that anyway? But I get the best version out there I can and if I spot something or a reader spots something, fix it I will.
But the main thing is my mark, once I hit that it is ready. Then it is the window dressing and such, which must be done to make it fully ready. That was my long-winded spiel. So when do you know that your story is ready?
Enjoy life, forget the strife.
2016-10-17 01:11:21
I have about seven books “ready” at all times, it seems. I guess they aren’t really ready until I do something with them (and then I always end up starting a new one). I agree with you that something happens deep inside, you do one more final read, and then you just know, “Okay, this one’s next. Done!” You do the “window dressings,” but as you say, it’s already done. It just needs polish. And they all do. Sometimes more than once…
2016-10-17 10:18:42
Yep, sure needs polish a few times with some.
2016-10-17 01:26:13
When I start reverting back to the original draft, I know I am done. And probably gone too far…
2016-10-17 10:18:01
That is a good way to know indeed
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