September 25, 2017
It can be funny, sometimes not at the time in a haha way, how the brain can work. Especially a writer’s brain. With the stupid nerve crap from the back I got sent to see if I was pregnant, meaning ultrasound. She asked the typical questions at the start and then in the middle of…
September 18, 2017
Click Here For Full Rules! I’m sure many have seen it around as this is year three for the IWSG Anthology Contest. But maybe you’ve never thought of actually submitting. Why not? The worst that can happen is you don’t get picked. Is that really as bad as say getting hit by a bus? Which…
September 4, 2017
Surprise! It is question time. I’ve never done that. What? Not so? Surprising that I would lie? I guess surprises are on the fly. The next anthology is soon to be announced at the IWSG too. There is a surprise coming Wednesday for you. Have you ever surprised yourself with your writing? For example, by…
August 21, 2017
As I’ve gone on about before, more than once, many a person will come up to many a writer and say they have an idea for a book. They just don’t have the time. Blah, blah, woof, woof. Rather listen to a barking dog at this point. But it really makes you think. Think what?…
Before we get to today’s WEP post, I may as well boast. Thanks to WEP back in April giving me the idea and a few egging me on, I have finished another novel at my sea. Delivered all sprang from the WEP. Goes to show what can happen from 1000 words or less. Click Here…
July 31, 2017
Do pet’s have peeves? Do they pee on things that end in ves? Would that mean they pee on haves? Something like that? So does that conclude that humans should pet and pee on things that they have pet peeves about? Hmmm, you might get arrested that way. Am I thinking about it too much?…
July 24, 2017
A nut ball found out that I write at our sea and they wanted me to go join their writer’s group. Scary would probably be the right term to use for it. Hopefully none read this as they may suffocate me in my sleep. Sadly the cat is scared of his own shadow so he…
July 17, 2017
As I listen to the same stories, sadly, over and over again it can be rather amusing to hear how they change. And it isn’t like that whisper to this person or that person thing they do in elementary school. Nope, they come from the same person. One moment they paid $200 for something and…
July 3, 2017
Value does seem to be another word that gets chucked around a lot, even though one can’t really throw around a word unless they write it down, but we’ll ignore that. Everything from a very low bank account to a broken down tractor has one. Some may even have a negative value. Geez, sure went…
One world that gets thrown around a lot by “fans” concerning anything that is written, movies, books, tv, games, etc., is realistic. I’ve seen so many whine about that so many times that I think my eyes roll automatically now. Firstly, anything that is written that isn’t based on a true story, and even then…