March 23, 2015
Note: I can’t get the friggin things to shrink. Click on each book cover and it shrinks, but in the post the stupid things stay big. Hmph!
So I figured why not show a bunch of book covers of upcoming books. That way I could make a post, meaning be lazy by showing pretty book covers, and show at least I have the book covers done.
The above pic is just a pic from an upcoming kids book. I just know you wanted to see a dalmatian with a huge backside, right?
And here we have the sequel to Max Blizzard and The Gem of Camelot. This one is done and edited. I am just sitting on it to space things out a bit.
And with this book cover we have the 6th book in my A Not So ___ World series. It is done, not edited though. So that one still has a bit to go.
Finally we have the book cover I asked opinions on, or rather the cat did. This one is to my uber secret project and I am about 200,000 words into this one. So I am almost there. The title will obviously go on the screen, but I can’t reveal that yet. No more orange hair for me in this book cover either. Yipppeee!
So what do you think of each book cover? Any ideas on how to shrink images in the friggin post? Why am I waiting to release the first if it is done? Because I have to find a new job and that can take up writing time. Uggg to that. So the novels may churn out slower. At least the book covers I can get done easily.
Enjoy life, forget the strife.
2015-03-23 19:03:51
Congrats on having so much on the burner! How exciting! A new job??? What happened to the old one???
I’m always so impressed with the artwork both on your covers and inside your books. I particularly like Imagine Hatt. That’s GREAT! No red hair??? How come?
Sizing photos and images depends upon whether you are using HTML (I write my own) or cascading style sheets (CSS), which I’m pretty inexperienced with.
For html, you may write the size you want, such as image width=”600″ or image width=”400″, using the applicable brackets, of course.
With CSS, you write the percentage of the screen you want the image to cover, such as width: 25% or width 50%, using the applicable brackets, of course.
Use only one size element either way, width (more common) or length, and that keeps the ratio correct. And of course, you know you can go smaller but shouldn’t really go larger than your original image, right?
2015-03-24 00:22:18
The old one got downsized at my sea, so now I have to start looking. I tried to change it in the html that was there but the stupid things still wouldn’t change. Even if I upload an image that is super small it still turns super big on this for some reason. Weird. I’ll check CSS and see if that is it.
2015-03-24 20:17:39
Try changing this phrase (in three places) alignnone size-medium wp-image to this: alignnone size-small wp-image, but do a preview first if you can to see what it does.
2015-03-25 01:31:44
Still a no go, changed it about and stupid thing won’t shrink
2015-03-25 01:32:39
But of course it shrinks just fine when I place the code in the comment lol
2015-03-25 16:14:50
Well, that figures. I tried. They look good big anyway.
2015-03-23 22:56:23
Wow, that’s a lot of words. That’s almost three of my books.
Covers all look cool. Really dig the Natural World one.
2015-03-24 00:20:37
Yep, that one turned out grand indeed. There is a reason why it is that many words, you’ll see why soon enough
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